Invest in environmental solutions directly.
Invest in the Planet. Harvest the Future.
Nature’s carbon sinks are beginning to collapse.
Nature-based solutions represent a chance for reversal.
Carbon credits and forwards are a complex and underdeveloped mechanism for funding this vital action.
JustCarbon insulates it’s customers from the volatility of the carbon markets.
We use time-tested principles from the world of business and investment to fund the future of carbon project development.
Buy a Carbon Farm to inset with projects that restore ecosystems and earn significant returns.

Why buy a credit, when you can own the keys to the farm?
Carbon Farms
JustCarbon’s flagship offering, Carbon Farms, gives our customers a chance to own their own carbon sink, choosing from our portfolio of hyperscale nature-based projects.
From seaweed biofuel to hemp biochar, simply select your desired project(s) and buy a Carbon Farm entitling you to a shareholding in the project and the associated dividends.
MRV Data
Using our online platform you can track your investments and monitor the progress of the project with live Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) data from the project which can be used for your own carbon accounting processes.

Project Criteria
We work exclusively with projects vetted by CO2 Balance or listed in the Puro.Earth directory, ensuring that we focus on high-quality, scalable initiatives that meet rigorous industry standards for carbon removal and sustainability.